
Frequently Asked Questions

WhEN is the ropes course open?

We are open Monday through Friday from April through the third week of October. Our hours are: Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm and select Saturdays.

Are there any age restrictions for the ropes course or portable, off-site team-building events?

Yes, we have a minimum age requirement of 8 years old for low elements on the course and 9 years old for most of our high elements, though most of our activities are geared toward those of middle school age and especially adults! Off-site portable events are similar in that adults and teenagers are better equipped to shoulder the challenges presented to them in these activities, and thus we host off-site events for middle school-aged groups and older.

Can my friend and I come to the ropes course? Can I just do the Giant Swing?

The ropes course is designed for teams and groups. Groups must have a minimum of 8 people and be on the course for a minimum of 2 hours. You must schedule in advance to come on the course.

Do you host birthday parties?

Yes! Your group needs to be a minimum of 8 people and at least 2 hours

How do I schedule a group?

Please call us at 503.949.9787 or email to schedule a time for your group.

What is the cost?

Costs vary depending on the size of your group, how long you will be here, and what type of elements you would like to do. We charge on a per person per hour basis. Please check the “Pricing and Payments” tab for more information.

What clothing should I wear?

On rainy days, prepare to get a little wet! Unless your group decides to reschedule, we will work in the rain! If it is hot and sunny, you may want basketball shorts and a light shirt. Please wear closed-toed athletic shoes. We do not allow those participating in any high or low challenge course activities to participate without closed-toed shoes.

You will be climbing, swinging, sliding, crawling, and doing other physical activities in a climbing harness. Excessively tight/non-stretchy or formal clothes are not recommended. There is a high possibility you or your clothes could get dirt, sap, sweat, etc. on them, so don’t bring anything that you can’t get dirty.

Should I bring a water bottle?

Yes! Our ropes course is in the forest. Although we try to make water available on the course, you need to have your own bottle to fill up. Keep in mind you will be doing physically tiring elements – you will probably get warm and thirsty.

What can I do on your course? How long does it take to do the entire course?

The ropes course is actually a combination of 12 high elements, 14 low elements, and numerous portable activities. To complete every element would take multiple days. Our ropes course staff work with your group to determine what your goals are. We tailor your experience to achieve your desired outcomes. Typically groups can do one or two elements per hour.

What is a “High Element”? What is a “Low Element”?

A high element is anything that requires the participant to wear a harness and be tied to a rope. We have around 12 high elements that range anywhere from 15 to 95 feet off the ground!

A low element is an activity that does not require a safety harness. An example would be our low obstacle course, which is approximately a foot off of the ground.

I really enjoy the team-building and lessons, but can’t bring my whole group to the ropes course. Can you come to us?

Yes! We have portable activities that use the same team-building principles and teach similar concepts and lessons. Please contact us for availability.

I’m concerned that the ropes course will be too difficult / too easy for my group. Can you handle us?

Yes! We work with groups of all ages and abilities, from 8 year olds to the Salem SWAT team. Our staff and course is extremely adaptable and we can make it as challenging or as easy as it needs to be. Obviously, the goal is to have fun and learn something at the same time. The online questionnaire each group fills out helps us tailor your ropes course experience to your group needs and goals.

Can someone (parent/child) come with me and just watch or take pictures? Do they have to pay?

Someone can come with you on the course to watch or take pictures without any cost. However, it is important that they are able to follow safety instructions and not be a distraction to the group.

Can I participate in any of the high or low element challenges if I’m pregnant or suspect that I am?

Unfortunately, we ask that you do not participate for your safety and the safety of your child.